Saturday, December 29, 2007

When a Friend is Pregnant

I just read a wonderful article called What If You Were That Friend? by Tricia Goyer. Tricia offers 6 specific steps you can take to be the kind of friend Jesus would want you to be when you find out a friend is pregnant. She knows what she is talking about, having "been there" herself.

For a chance to win Tricia's amazing book, My Life Unscripted: Who's Writing Your Life?, please leave a comment here (with a valid email address so that I can contact you if you win) by Jan 31, 2008. If you post a link to this thread somewhere and send me the link, you will earn an additional entry in the drawing for each link you send me. I will gladly share this book with one blog reader when I draw a name in early February.

1 comment:

Professor said...

I have a friend who was dealing with this a couple of months ago. She thought she was pregnant. I think I was one of the few she told, and I was completely clueless about how to help her. It's frustrating to have a friend who's hurting and not know how to help.